Sarah Carlson
Areas of Expertise
Sarah is available for training, consulting and speaking engagements, with notable expertise in the following areas:
- Security, counterterrorism
- Intelligence, clandestine operations
- Leadership, strategy, vision
- Collaboration, communication
- Risk assessment and management
Sarah Carlson served as a targeting analyst at the CIA's Counterterrorism Center. She specialized in threats and attack plans directed against the U.S. and Europe, and completed multiple rotations with the Directorate of Operations. Prior to that, she served as a counterterrorism analyst at the Defense Intelligence Agency in the Homeland Defense Division and Iraq Branch in the Middle East.
Since leaving the CIA, Sarah has continued in public service as an emergency operations manager in the Pacific Northwest. Today, she teaches corporate leaders and their teams how to lead during a crisis, the essentials of crisis management, and personal preparedness.
She is the author of In the Dark of War: A CIA Officer’s Inside Account of the U.S. Evacuation from Libya, and she is featured in the 2021 CBS documentary, Race Against Time: The CIA and 9/11.
Presentation Examples
- Leadership in Crisis
- Crisis Management
- Personal Preparedness
Partnership Examples
- Federal Emergency Management Agency
- SOG Knives & Tools
- Impera Intelligence Group
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