Bob Hamer
Areas of Expertise
Bob is available for training, consulting and speaking engagements, with notable expertise in the following areas:
- Crime, investigation
- Security, counterterrorism
- Intelligence, clandestine operations
- Political issues, international business
- Inspiring, motivating
- Leadership, strategy, vision
- Collaboration, communication
In his 26 years as a FBI Special Agent and undercover operative, Bob worked organized crime, gangs, terrorism, and child exploitation, posing as a drug dealer, contract killer, residential burglar, fence, pedophile, degenerate gambler, international weapons dealer, and white-collar criminal.
Bob received numerous awards throughout his career, including the coveted FBI Director’s Award for Distinguished Service and five United States Attorney Awards for Distinguished Service.
He has served as a technical advisor on numerous television shows, and has written for television. Bob is the author of numerous best-selling and award-winning books.
Presentation Examples
- Leadership, the Undercover Way: Lessons from a three-year undercover operation and the four qualities of a great leader
- Case Study for sex crime investigators: The NAMBLA infiltration and investigation
Partnership Examples
- Ronald Reagan Presidential Library Docent Association
- Palm Springs Women’s Club
- Intermountain Republican Women’s Federation
- La Jolla Professional Men’s Society
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