Norman Polmar
Areas of Expertise
Norman is available for both consulting and speaking engagements, with notable expertise in the following areas:
- Intelligence, clandestine operations
- Aerospace, military, warfare, combat
Norman Polmar is an analyst, consultant, and author specializing in naval, aviation, and technology. He has consulted for three senators, the speaker of the House of Representatives, three secretaries of the Navy, the director of the Los Alamos National Laboratory, and the leadership of the U.S., Australian, Chinese, and Israeli Navies.
Mr. Polmar has written or co-authored 50 published books, including the definitive reference books Guide to the Soviet Navy (4 editions), and Ships and Aircraft of the U.S. Fleet (9 editions). He has published numerous articles in major newspapers and magazines, and is a columnist for the Naval Institute magazines Proceedings and Naval History.
In 2019, the Naval Historical Foundation awarded Mr. Polmar the Commodore Dudley W. Knox Naval History Lifetime Achievement Award.
Presentation Examples
Norm's topics of discussion include:
- U.S. & Soviet / Russian intelligence
- Espionage
- Aviation
- Submarines
Partnership Examples
- Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory
- U.S. Naval Academy
- Newport News Shipbuilding
- Britannia Royal Naval College
- Lockheed Martin Corp.
- Northrop Corp.
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