Neil Woods
Areas of Expertise
Neil is available for training, consulting and speaking engagements, with notable expertise in the following areas:
- Crime, investigation
- Mental health & CPTSD
- Performance improvement, sales
- Security, counterterrorism
- Intelligence, clandestine operations
- Political issues, international business
- Inspiring, motivating
- Media, entertainment
Neil Woods spent fifteen years as an undercover police officer infiltrating drug gangs and befriending some of the most violent criminals in Britain. A vocal critic of the war on drugs, Neil has mind blowing stories about what he learned from three generations of Liverpool gangsters.
By risking his life to infiltrate these gangs, Neil came to realize the terrifying reality of the drug war in Britain. What Neil discovered is that — like most wars —the war on drugs was futile at best and corrupt at worst.
Neil uses extraordinary real-world stories from his career to teach corporations how to cultivate thriving, healthy and efficient work environments.
Neil is now a board member of the Law Enforcement Action Partnership in the U.S. and UK He’s written two books, memoir Good Cop Bad War, and Drug Wars, with JS Rafaeli.
Presentation Examples
- Mental Health and Its Stigma
- Protecting yourself in an intense work environment and appreciating the team around you
- Helping your employees find their voice and knowing how to listen to them
- Effective People Management
- Drugs and Drug Crimes
- The Power of Organized Crime
- Lessons Learned from Covert Policing
- Corruption Caused by Drugs and Organized Crime
Partnership Examples
- Emergency Medicine Trainees Association
- The BBC
- Change Truth
- Talks at Google
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