Jim Clemente
Areas of Expertise
Jim is available for training, consulting and speaking engagements, with notable expertise in the following areas:
- Crime, investigation
- Collaboration, communication
- Intelligence, clandestine operations
- Performance improvement, sales
- Inspiring, motivating
- Social change, avoiding bias, diversity
- Media, entertainment
Jim Clemente is a retired FBI Supervisory Special Agent / Profiler and former New York City Prosecutor. During his 22-year career with the FBI, he investigated cases from bank robberies to serial killers. He also investigated public corruption in the White House, white collar and violent crime, and worked as an undercover agent, posing as everything from a street beggar to a broker on Wall Street.
Today he is the Founder & CEO of XG Productions, a cross-platform development and production company. Jim co-hosts the Wondery Podcasts Real Crime Profile and Best Case Worst Case. He is a Writer & Producer for Criminal Minds and The Case Of: JonBenet Ramsey on CBS, as well as Co-Creator of Manhunt: Unabomber on Netflix.
Clemente authored his first novel, Without Consent, based on his true story, and co-authored the non-fiction Audible series, Evil Has No Name.
Presentation Examples
- Balance: From FBI Profiler to Bone Marrow Transplant to Hollywood Writer & Producer
- FBI Profiling: What it is and How it works
- Deception Detection: Myths and Truths
- Finding Our Common Humanity
- Protecting Children from Sexual Victimization On-Line and in the real world
- Equivocal Death Investigations
- FBI Profiler to Writer & Producer
- The FBI's UNABOM Investigation
- Investigative Interviewing: Rapport Building
- Stopping Detainee Torture in Guantanamo Bay Cuba
- Hunting the DC Snipers
- The Penn State / Sandusky Scandal: What really happened
- Profiling Serial Killers and Child Abductors
- Investigations: From Undercover to the White House
Partnership Examples
- CBS Television
- Disney
- Netflix
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