Jeff Miller
Areas of Expertise
Jeff is available for training, speaking and consulting engagements, with notable expertise in the following areas:
- Security, counterterrorism
- Intelligence, clandestine operations
- Leadership, strategy, vision
- Collaboration, communication
- Political Issues, International Business
- Performance Improvement, Sales
- Aerospace, Military
- Negotiations, Deception
Jeff Miller, a special operations and military intelligence specialist, trains corporate professionals at every level both using lecture-style talks and hands-on training workshops (including executive retreats featuring firearms training, vehicular driving training, negotiation exercises and more). Jeff's training experiences help foster trust, improve planning skills, and drive strong collaboration and team-based effectiveness.
Jeff was a member of U.S. Army Special Forces (Green Berets) and an intelligence operative with service to five different agencies of the US government. He served on classified national security operations as part of a joint mission team which included the U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command, the CIA and the FBI. After his government service he participated in private and government intelligence and security operations which took him to 43 countries on five continents.
He has spent time in five active combat zones in the Middle East, the Balkans, East Asia and Latin America, and his specialties have included the retrieval of kidnapping victims and the movement of logistics into denied or compromised areas.
This former Green Beret brings a rare sense of humor to his entertaining presentations of a life lived on the extreme cutting edge, both as an operative of the U.S. government and military, and as a private contractor on the "dark" side.
He has trained thousands of U.S. Military personnel in special skills, as well as hundreds of private sector corporate employees, including attendees of his three-day Executive Action luxury corporate retreat. The experience is a pulse-pounding, adrenaline-fueled, spy-themed adventure, designed to provide attendees with valuable business skills, while at the same time using extreme real-world scenarios to build mutual trust and fuse participants into well-drilled teams.
Jeff helped pioneer the privatization of both military and intelligence contracting.
He is the co-author of Vagabonds: Tourists in the Heart of Darkness with co-author Nick Brokhausen.
Presentation Examples
Partnership Examples
- Safehouse Security
- DAX Associates
- U.S. Army Special Forces
- Association of Former Intelligence Officers
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