Christopher Turner
Areas of Expertise
Christopher is available for training, consulting and speaking engagements, with notable expertise in the following areas:
- Security, counterterrorism
- Intelligence, clandestine operations
- Political issues, international business
- Risk assessment and management
Christopher Turner served 25 years at the CIA, during which he completed several sensitive assignments in the Far East, South Asia, and Europe. After one risky mission he received the Intelligence Star, a rare commendation for valor under fire. At the CIA, Christopher served as a senior instructor and course director, teaching advanced tradecraft and leadership.
He is the author of the nonfiction book The CASSIA Spy Ring: A History of OSS’s Maier-Messner Group (McFarland & Co., 2017), and the historical espionage thriller Where Vultures Gather (Novel Truths, 2020), among others.
Presentation Examples
- Clandestine Tradecraft
- Operating in Dangerous Areas
- History of Intelligence Operations (with emphasis on the Office of Strategic Services and on military-deception operations during WWII)
- Cultural Anthropology in Intelligence Operations
Partnership Examples
- Austrian National Defense Academy (LVAk)
- University of Graz (Austria)
- Austrian Centre of Intelligence, Propaganda and Security Studies
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