Col. Adelbert “Buz” Carpenter
Areas of Expertise
Buz is available for both consulting and speaking engagements, with notable expertise in the following areas:
- Intelligence, clandestine operations
- Leadership, strategy, vision
- Aerospace, military, warfare, combat
Colonel Adelbert "Buz" Carpenter served as a C-141 aircraft commander doing worldwide airlift, flew RF-4Cs in the Vietnam War and became an Instructor pilot. He was a SR-71 instructor pilot executing global reconnaissance missions, served as a F-4E fighter squadron commander, flew the T-38 trainer, and his last flight was taking a U-2 above 70,000 feet, one last time.
Buz served as a wing commander in Europe during Desert Storm and was the USAF "Black World" programmer in the Pentagon from 1983 to 1984, handling the monies for the stealth F-117, F-22, & B-2 bomber programs. At the end of his Air Force career he was vice commander of 2nd Air Force, which possessed the Air Force's intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance mission aircraft.
In 2017, he was inducted into the Virginia Aviation Hall of Fame.
Presentation Examples
- SR-71 development & operational use
- Admiral Yamamoto Shoot down in WW II
Partnership Examples
- Cold War Museum
- Integrated Communications Navigation and Surveillance Conference
- Oklahoma Science Teaching Association
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